Here you will find the latest news from Weland. We’ll be keeping you updated on news and events that we hope will be of interest to you and your company.


Here you will find the latest news from Weland. We’ll be keeping you updated on news and events that we hope will be of interest to you and your company.

Our news page will give you an insight into what’s going on at Weland. You’ll be able to read about our new products, upcoming trade events, and what our customers think about our products and their collaboration with us. In addition, it will also be a platform for employees from various parts of our organisation to tell you about a typical working day and what it’s like to be part of Weland.


JOS spiral staircase cuts installation time in half

When Jakob Josefsson, a product developer at Weland, visited a construction site in the Swedish town of Smålandsstenar to oversee the installation of a JOS spiral staircase, what he saw perfectly illustrated one of the many advantages of this unique staircase design. 

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Proximity to Weland is a massive plus

Weland is well-represented at Isaberg Base Camp in the form of a number of different products and solutions.

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Full activity in Weland’s stand at Elmia Subcontractor 2024

There is always a lot going on at a Weland stand and this year’s fair was absolutely no exception. Under the motto “One supplier is enough”, we presented our offer in sheet metal processing.

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High quality – made in Sweden

FTG Forest är ett företag som erbjuder skogsmaskiner för avverkning, transport och förädling för alla som har skogen som arbetsplats. Sedan år 2000 har företaget haft ett samarbete med Weland AB, och det är ett partnerskap som med framgång har rullat på sedan dess.

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A school conversion in safe hands

I’ve only got positive things to say about Weland, both in terms of their products and their attitude to collaboration, says Magnus Olofsson of Eslöv-based Buildab AB.

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Weland takes observation to new heights

A new observation tower, aptly named Kärven, has been built at Getterön and is the latest addition to the Varberg skyline. A hot-dip galvanized staircase supplied by Weland leads visitors safely up the 12-metre high structure to the viewing platform.

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