Weland offers tubing perforation in a variety of tube dimensions and hole patterns. We can also produce special tools and customised solutions for things such as store interiors.
Perforation of tubes
Tube perforation In Weland’s production there is a perforation line where we perforate holes in square tubes. The powerful perforation machine can handle a number of different dimensions and perforates holes in several tubes at a time, which is a quick and rational method that enables us to off shorten lead times and maintain a high level of quality. Our high-tech expertise, own production and flexibility make Weland a leading supplier of perforated tubing.
Tube perforation is suitable for many areas of application and solutions. One common area of application is for perforating products that are used, for example, in store fittings. Weland has a large number of standard tools in a whole host of different tube dimensions and hole sizes/patterns for perforating tubes, but also fabricates new custom tools to satisfy new hole pattern or tube size requirements. This means that we can produce unique customised solutions for the perforation of tubes.
Contact us during the idea stage for more information about how Weland can help you with regard to tube perforation.