Frequently Asked Questions
To make things as easy for you as possible, we have put together a list of answers to some of the questions we are most frequently asked. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, please get in touch and we’ll do our level best to address your query.
Frequently Asked Questions
General information
We would be delighted to help you with your design work. In order to enable us to give you the best proposal possible, we need specific information, such as:
- In what type of premises or environment is the product to be located?
- What dimensions should the product have? Height, width, and length.
It would be a good idea to produce a simple sketch that describes your requirements.
Exactly what information is required varies from project to project. You can find more information about product-specific planning here.
Yes, Weland AB sells cat ladders that are fabricated by our subsidiary, Ulricehamn-based Weland Stål. They develop, produces, and sell cat ladders, as well as a complete range of roof safety products.
It all depends on how and where the grating is to be used. Generally speaking, the smaller the mesh width, the greater load bearing capacity.
Weland maintains an extensive stock range of grating. Normally, we have a total 695 different grating sizes in stock at any given time. These include everything from pedestrian walkways and drivable grating, to entrance grating. Contact us and we’ll guide you through our available range.
Yes, we can customise all our staircases to your specific requirements. We also fabricate special staircases such as corner staircases, spiral staircases, curved staircases, and combi staircases – a combination of a spiral staircase and straight flight staircase.
Spiral staircases
A spiral staircase with a radius of 1000 mm and grating treads weighs approximately 140 kg/metre of height. The staircase is dimensioned to withstand 3.0 kN/m2 – don’t forget to add the load. The centre tube of the staircase rests on a 150 mm diameter bottom plate.
The Downloads page on Weland.se contains a step template. This is very helpful to use when designing spiral staircases.
The free distance in an arch opening for a spiral staircase should be 100 mm larger than the diameter of the staircase.
Free width in a spiral staircase is almost exactly 100 mm less than the radius of the staircase.
Yes, a spiral staircase can be used as an escape staircase. A spiral staircase is a good option to use as an escape staircase in instances where space is at a premium as it is so area efficient.
Contact us and we’ll help you produce a safe and secure solution.
Absolutely. You can find our order forms here. The form is easy to complete and shows the information we need to give you a quick quote or help you with your order.
Straight flight staircases
The concept of “projection” describes the horizontal distance that a straight flight staircase takes up. It is normally used when calculating the inclination of a staircase or to see how big an area a staircase requires.
WUC profile stringers extend 55 mm. This means that if a staircase has two profile stringers and a walkway width of 900 mm, the staircase shall extend 1010 mm.
There is a formula for determining the comfortable inclination of a staircase. It is calculated by doubling the step height + step depth of the staircase. The number you end up with should be between 600-630 mm.
The railing for a straight flight staircase should be at least 900 mm high. In instances where floor height is more than 3 metres from floor to ceiling, the staircase railing must be at least 1100 mm high.
Contact us and we’ll help you calculate the weight of staircases in your current project.
Absolutely. You can find our order forms here. The form is easy to complete and shows the information we need to give you a quick quote or help you with your order.
Wheelchair ramps
A wheelchair ramp must an inclination that does not exceed 1:12, i.e. 8.3%. The recommended inclination is 1:20, or 5%. The ramp should not run for more than one metre between the ground and exit.
On wheelchair ramps, the maximum height difference between landings is 0.5 metres. The steepest acceptable inclination is 1:12,
making the ramp 6 metres long. A ramp with an inclination of 1:20 is 10 metres long. Each landing must be at least 2 metres long.
Yes, lighting is available in Weland wheelchair ramp handrails as an optional extra.
Absolutely. You can find our order forms here. The form is easy to complete and shows the information we need to give you a quick quote or help you with your order.
With a floor height of more than three metres, railings must be 1.1 metres high.
Weland Fencing has a unique structure and features one of the strongest constructions currently available on the market. It is very robust and suitable for use in all types of environment that need to be fenced in or demarcated in some way.
If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, please get in touch and we’ll do our level best to address your query.